Nokia 6280, Nokia N70 and Sony Ericsson D750 all belong to the camera phones elite. Each of them is equipped with a 2 megapixel camera. So which one takes the best pictures then?
We have decided to offer you a direct comparison between pictures of the same objects taken once with Nokia 6280 and once with the best current camera phone - Sony Ericsson D750 (btw, its camera is identical to the cameras used in the K750 and W800 models). In addition, we have included sample photos taken with Nokia N70. Now you can decide which phone is the best on your own.
Nokia 6280's pictures always appear as first. The image results of Nokia N70 are second in line. Last in order you will find the pictures taken with Sony Ericsson D750. As all photos are published in full resolution mode, please keep in mind that each of them may imply a download of approximately 500 KB.
It becomes clear already in the first photo series that each picture has a touch of its own.
At first look, the one taken with Nokia 6280 seems sharper than the other two. If you are going to print your pictures without any editing, 6280 will probably give you the best results. Taking a closer look, the three cameras deliver exactly the same resolution, the difference is the in-camera processing approach. The photos of Nokia 6280 are somewhat over sharpened, while the processing of the photos of N70 is a lot more conservative. Sony Ericsson D750 falls somewhere in between. The Sony Ericsson has a different white color balance than the two Nokia phones. You can also note that the photos from the tested Nokia N70 are slightly out of focus near the left edge. In fact, all differences detailed here are more or less to be found in all the rest of the photo series taken in outdoor light conditions.
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
In the following pictures, please pay special attention to the purple fringe between the tree branches and the sky. Nokia N70 manages chromatic aberration the best. Nokia 6280 scores the worst here, with its results being the least successful.
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Photos taken in indoor light conditions have minor effect on our final evaluation. Colors in Nokia 6280's pictures are saturated (a bit too much, perhaps); edges are sharp. Both pictures made with Nokia 6280 and those taken with Sony Ericsson feature significant noise levels, which is a definite drawback. According to us, Nokia N70 manages poor indoor light conditions the best.
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Of course, the auto focus lens of Sony Ericsson D750 captures objects located close to the lens the best:
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
When we first took the following three pictures we felt there was not enough light inside the room. That is why we activated each phone's flash LED and took a second series of pictures. However, the difference between the first and the second try is hardly noticeable. The light supplied by the flash LEDs would have been much more visible, if there was less light in the first photo series.
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
Nokia 6280 • Nokia N70 • Sony Ericsson D750
The following photo gallery hardly needs any comment. The two Nokia camera phones are just not suitable for close-up shots.
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شرکت غول تلفن همراه، نوکیا، اعلام کرده است که در راستای ترویج استاندارد فناوری DVB-H برای تلویزیون همراه، با دو شرکت موتورولا و اینتل متحد خواهد شد. مجموعه این شرکتها، که «اتحاد تلویزیون دیجیتالی همراه» نام گرفته است، با هدف ترویج استانداردهای باز برای پخش برنامههای تلویزیونی روی گوشی تلفن همراه تشکیل شده و بیشتر به بازار آمریکای شمالی را توجه دارد. DVB-H یک فناوری استاندارد پخش (broadcast) است که برای ارسال ویدئو جریانی به دستگاههای موبایل (تلفن همراه و کامپیوترهای دستگرفتنی) به کار میرود. به عبارت دیگر، زمینه مشترک فعالیت این شرکتهای سازنده ادوات همراه امکان میدهد با تشکیل چنین شراکتی سرویسدهندههای واسط از میان حذف شده و مصرفکننده مستقیماً از خود سازنده محتوا را دریافت کند. اتحاد تلویزیون دیجیتالی همراه اعلام کرده است که بیش از 10 شبکه DVB-H آزمایشی در کشورهای مختلف، از جمله استرالیا، فنلاند، فرانسه، آلمان، ایتالیا، انگلستان، و ایالات متحده در راه هستند یا به مرحله اجرا گذاشته شدهاند. انتظار میرود زیرساختهای DVB-H برای استفاده در بازار مهمتر آمریکا، تا سال 2007 آماده شوند. DVB-H رقیب فناوری بیسیم شرکت Qualcomm به نام MediaFlo و همچنین فناوری «پخش صوت دیجیتال» (DAB) است. فناوری DAB نیز مانند DVB-H هنوز مراحل آزمایشی خود را طی میکند. |